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{THE AND} Healing Edition

{THE AND} Healing Edition

Regular price $50.00
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In our closest relationships, we often carry the heaviest emotional burdens and deepest scars - fears, traumas, self-doubts and unresolved pain from our pasts. Yet these are the very parts of ourselves we reflexively hide, even from those we love most.

It's time to shed the emotional armor with {THE AND} Healing Edition cards. This potent catalyst provides the caring space to finally go there - to those tender places we've learned to wall off due to perceived judgment or not wanting to burden others.

With thoughtful guidance through 199 poignant, heart-opening questions & prompts, you'll find yourselves gently navigating fertile territory for interpersonal transformation:

✨ Release years of bottled-up thoughts, ancestral wounds and unspoken truths

✨ Reveal the most delicate intricate layers of your emotional experiences to each other

✨ Gain revelatory insights into your loved ones' internal worlds and core needs

✨ Demolish toxic patterns and barriers preventing true closeness and secure attachment

✨ Collectively envision pathways to forgiveness, resolution and a reimagined future

Whether unearthing relational blind spots, ancestral traumas or unprocessed grief - the Healing Edition cards cradle you both in an empathic embrace as you go inward together. You'll establish a sacred, judgment-free container to give voice to those aspects of self you've outgrown the need to contain or hide.

For partners whose intimacy has become strained, friends who've endured parallel pains, or family bonds frayed by resentment - these cards provide the shared language to finally begin raw truth-telling and mending. One soul-baring prompt catalyzes the kind of bravery and catharsis allowing you to emerge closer than ever before.

When we peel back layers most often concealed, we discover our wholeness - pieces once shattered can be reclaimed and reintegrated. With {THE AND} Healing Edition, you're equipped with provision for that most courageous journey. A chance to shed ancient hurts, heal, and embrace your full luminous potential.

Order your passage into deeper self-reunion and relational intimacy today. The most profound metamorphoses are born through love's vulnerability.


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